Just for you my loyal readers, I collected some of my favourite book-related links I came across in the last couple of months. So, let me know how this goes. If you enjoy these, I’ll keep at it.

  • Interesting article in Wired, “Why the Smart Reading Device of the Future May Be … Paper.”
  • I am definitely going to have to hit a Chipotle restaurant next time I am in the U.S. – according to this Vanity Fair article, they’re featuring literature on their bags and cups! How cool is that!?
  • I LOVE the sounds of this book-digitizing service!!! I have long supported the idea that the purchase of a hardcover or paperback should also provide you with access to the digital file for that book. (You get a digital download included when you buy a movie on DVD or BluRay, so why can’t publishers do the same?) I like to own the paper copy of every book I read, but e-books are, on occasion, more practical – so sometimes I want BOTH. But I hate paying full price for the same book twice, and I don’t want to “steal” the e-book.
  • A book-scented candle?! Okay, that’s just frickin’ awesome.
  • Keeping with the book-smell theme, I thought when I read the title of this Huffington Post article, “Why Books Stink,” that it would have something to do with the printing process, and what gives books that smell that I love that makes me literally stick my nose in between the pages quite frequently as I read. But no, it’s about why there are so many bad books being published these days.
  • This is for you library-science geeks, or those who, like me, are a little “particular” when it comes to organizing your home library: an infographic of the Dewey Decimal vs. The Library of Congress systems. (I challenge you to come to my house, check out my shelves, and see which one I follow!)
  • Is someone you love in love with a book you can’t stand? Here are some tips to help you deal.
  • This one’s for you, sci-fi lovers: a history of books that predicted the future.
  • Bookish sheets and pillows and chairs – I need these things.
  • This is a terrific pic!
  • Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! In defense of the TBR pile.
  • What would the term be for the combined fields of mapping and literature? Bibliocartography? Geo-reading? Whatever it is, the Toronto Public Library allows you to search books by neighbourhood.
  • I’m not one for crosswords myself, but here’s an online crossword for book lovers.

One thought on “Further Reading… on Reading

  1. What a great idea to add these links. R u sure you didn’t write the TBR article. The smart reading article was interesting- on my holiday I brought my e reader and paperbacks and I have to say that I do read more closely and enjoy the written word more on paper. I find it too easy to read quickly on an ereader, but it is so wonderfully convenient to always have a library in my purse. I read 6 books last week on holiday and it was sooo nice, but now back to the real world. Hope you are having a great time in Vegas.

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